Teams Ladder Competition
Latest Team results
Some information on scoring ( only if you really want to!)
Suppose that on board 1, one pair of team A were sat North/South at table 1 and bid and made 4♠ not vulnerable.
This gave them a score of +420.
At table 2 the other pair of the same team were sat East/West for this hand. The North/South of team B bid 3♠ with the same cards and made an over trick.
This gave East/West a score of –170.
This means the net score for team A is +420 – 170 = +250.
Of course the net score for team B is therefore –250.
The above is match point scoring (MP) that is usually used at the club or home.
In teams we convert net scores to International Match Points (IMPs) according to the an international scale.
For example, a net score of +250 is +6 IMPs whereas a net score of –250 is –6 IMPs on this international scale.
We repeat this for each board and add up the total IMPs.
The below will not be needed
Conversion to Victory Points.
If, for example, Team A have a total of 60 IMPS over all of the boards played, and their opponents have a total of 35 IMPs, then Team A win by a difference of 25 IMPs.
All matches have this difference converted to Victory Points (VP)
This results all matches being scored out of 20.
If both teams get the same number of IMPS then the difference is zero and each team gets 10 VP each
A team that wins the match gets somewhere between 10+ and 20 VP
A team that losers gets somewhere between 0 and up to 10
A bit technical but you can check the conversion here
Suppose that on board 1, one pair of team A were sat North/South at table 1 and bid and made 4♠ not vulnerable.
This gave them a score of +420.
At table 2 the other pair of the same team were sat East/West for this hand. The North/South of team B bid 3♠ with the same cards and made an over trick.
This gave East/West a score of –170.
This means the net score for team A is +420 – 170 = +250.
Of course the net score for team B is therefore –250.
The above is match point scoring (MP) that is usually used at the club or home.
In teams we convert net scores to International Match Points (IMPs) according to the an international scale.
For example, a net score of +250 is +6 IMPs whereas a net score of –250 is –6 IMPs on this international scale.
We repeat this for each board and add up the total IMPs.
The below will not be needed
Conversion to Victory Points.
If, for example, Team A have a total of 60 IMPS over all of the boards played, and their opponents have a total of 35 IMPs, then Team A win by a difference of 25 IMPs.
All matches have this difference converted to Victory Points (VP)
This results all matches being scored out of 20.
If both teams get the same number of IMPS then the difference is zero and each team gets 10 VP each
A team that wins the match gets somewhere between 10+ and 20 VP
A team that losers gets somewhere between 0 and up to 10
A bit technical but you can check the conversion here